Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Arrowwood Resort, Alexandria Minnesota

The weekend of Deer Opener we all went up to Alexandria, MN to spend the weekend at the Arrowwood Resort while Daddy Deer hunted. They have an indoor waterpark and they boys had SO much fun! As soon as we got there Daddy, Grandma and Papa took the boys swimming while I took a little nap. They had so much fun when they got back they couldn't stop talking about it. If we didn't have dinner plans at Uncle Larry's house they would have been there until closing time! After they got ready for dinner we drove over to Uncle Larry's house. Aunt Kathy made Lasagna with bread. It was so yummy! Our cousins Tommy, age 3 and Elizabeth, age 1 were there as well, so we got to play with them in Uncle Larry's playroom he finished downstairs for them. Uncle Larry is Tommy and Elizabeth's Grandpa. We had a lot of fun playing down there! After dinner we went back to the hotel room without Daddy since he was leaving early in the morning to hunt for deer. We all went to bed to rest for the next day. We knew it was going to be a long busy day!

The next morning we ordered room service for breakfast. Mommy loved her breakfast croissant. Jon order French Toast sticks and Nicholas ordered pancakes. They were yummy too but they didn't finish it all. As soon as breakfast was done we waited, and waited until the waterpark was open. We all thought it opened at 10am but since Jon was asking what time it was every 5 minutes, I decided to walk him over there to show him it wasn't open. Our room was actually really close by so it wasn't a big deal. It was probably 8:30 at the time and when we got there it was closed so he stopped talking about it. On our way back to the room there was a lifeguard there and I double checked with her that it opened at 10am and she told us 9am! So I told Jon we only had to wait a half hour and we could go swimming! He was so excited! So when we got back to the room I told them to get their swim trunks on so we would be ready when Papa and Grandma got back from their walk. Shortly after that they came back and said that the other little pool was open, but I told them the waterpark opened at 9am. So we all started to get ready. It was finally 9am and we walked over to the park. below are some picks of the boys going down the kiddy slides. Although Grandma considered them big slides. She actually went down the curvy one a a lot with the boys.

Jon going down the steep slide
Nicholas on the curvy slide

He loved to go on his belly

I missed Jon going down the curvy slide but got him at the end

Jon getting ready on the steep slide

Nicholas being silly on the little kiddy slide
They loved going down the slide together
We took a break for lunch and so I could take a nap, and hopefully the boys. That didn't really last long. Jon wanted to go back to the waterpark but I told him not until after dinner we could go back. Well, he just kept on asking and by 4 O'clock Grandma was tired of him asking and she said that her and Papa would go back in the water with them. So we all went back to the waterpark again! I didn't go swimming this time and I appreciated that Papa and Grandma were there because they didn't mind going in the water with them and watching them. I on the other hand had enough water for the day. Thanks Papa and Grandma! Daddy called later in the day to see how things were. There were times when the boys were driving me crazy but everything was fine. Him and Uncle Larry were the only two that shot deer at that time. I could tell he was tired too. We swam for another couple hours or so and finally got the boys out of the water. We had dinner and the boys crashed on the sofa bed! They were SO tired!
Mike actually ended up coming back to the hotel that night so he could go swimming with the boys in the morning. The next morning before we left Mike took the boys to the waterpark again! This time Jon went down the big slides all by himself! Of course I didn't bring my camera because we packed the truck before we left the room. Any way, I had noticed the day before that some of the kids had lifevest on that were free to use and I told him about it and he wanted to try it going down the big slides. Nicholas and I waited for him and Dad to come out at the end. Jon LOVED it! Daddy, not so much. He said the whole slide was enclosed so one time was enough for him. Jon went down them another 10 times or so. He loved it! They would take breaks and go down the lazy river or play in the kiddy pool again. Jon made sure that before we left he would go down the big slides again. So, he went down them again, about 10 more times! I was so glad he wasn't scared to do it all by himself! We had a great time at Arrowwood!

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