Friday, November 30, 2007

Our Oklahoma Trip

Well, we arrived in Oklahoma at about 10:30pm on Tuesday night. The ride was actually pretty good considering it was a 10 hour drive. The boys did great besides just a couple of meltdowns. Jon was asking about every 5 minutes when we were going to get there. We kept on telling them how many movies they had to watch before we would get there. Mike drove the whole way down and we only stopped to eat, get gas or go potty. Once we got there the boys were very excited but we pretty much went straight to bed. We were all tired. In the morning the boys couldn't wait to play with their older cousins. Of course they got up early and was asking when the older boys were going to get up. Being older boys they liked to sleep in and we just kept on telling Jon and Nicholas that they would have to wait until the boys got up to play with them. It will be so nice when our boys will sleep in on the weekends until 10 or 11! Any way, when they finally did wake up, all they did was play PS 2 or Gamecube. Mike and I didn't see much of the boys until we headed over to Maita's house to meet up with the Ramos' and wait for the Dehne's and Cardenas' to arrive. Once we got there, the boys saw the trampoline they had in their back yard and was all over it with Maria and Bella. I took some picks of the kids jumping on it. They had so much fun. While the kids were playing outside, Colton had Guitar Hero for PS 2 and the adult men were playing that upstairs. It is actually a pretty fun and cool game. I could just do the easy level. By the time we left Mike was on the medium level. I'm sure we will be getting that game in the future for our Wii. We had dinner and the rest of the family arrived. Everyone was having so much fun, especially all the kids. We didn't get back to Mena's house until 11:00 and the boys were not in bed until 11:30. It was a late night for them!

The next day we mostly sat around and prepared for Thanksgiving dinner. We looked through the adds for the big sales after Thanksgiving and there were just a few things I wanted to take a look at. Once it was time for dinner we headed back to Maita's house for the big celebration. We had a wonderful dinner with lots of food. Uncle Ramil ended up giving the kids early X-mas presents from his Books are Fun company. They enjoyed getting early X-mas gifts! Thanks Uncle Ramil and Auntie Kelly! More Guitar Hero was played, more jumping on the trampoline, and the kids all played together. the adults and older kids also got to play Catch Phrase. That was really fun. It was Men vs. Women and I believe it was the women in the end that won the whole thing. Doug or Mena would have to confirm on that since they were making sure each team got their point! :) Once again we didn't get back to Mena's until 11:00 and bedtime was at 11:30pm. Poor boys were so tired.

The next day we went out to do some shopping but not until about 8:30am. By that time a lot of the early door buster were gone already at Kohl's, but what Mike and I wanted there was still some of them left. Once Mena, Marie and myself got there the check out line was crazy. It wrapped around the whole store! Kelly, Missy and Kayla were there before us and they actually ended up getting our roller duffel bags for us. They said they waited in line for a couple hours! They were just leaving when we got there and told us the line on the far end of the store was shorter. We still ended up going in and Mena waited in line while Marie and I looked around. The other items that I was interested in I didn't like seeing up close so Marie was the only one that ended up getting the same roller duffel bags like our. After that we called Kelly, Missy and Kayla to see if they wanted to meet up for lunch, but they were already eating lunch. We called Maita and Tesa and they agreed to meet us. We ended up eating a Steak and Shake and it was great food! I told Maita and Mena that Mike and I wanted to buy lunch for the kids so they all ordered stuff to go. While the woman were doing this, most of the men went golfing. Mike said it was really cold, and that Uncle Paul won the golf outing. That evening Nicholas was so tired he didn't even want to go back to Maita's house for dinner, and we noticed he was getting pink eye. So I decided to stay home with him and Jon got to go with Mena and the boys. Mike came back to Mena's house as well since the men was over there for dinner already. He stopped on the way back and got us dinner. We stayed up a little bit and Jon ended up coming home early with Uncle Doug and we all went to bed at a decent time.
Sat was a day of relaxing, we ended up having a Mexican themed lunch at Maita's. The kids played and the adults hung out. Everyone was getting ready to leave the next day. We ended up leaving early because Mike wanted to get up at 5am to leave. We ended up leaving at 5:30am and was home around 4pm. The boys knew how long of a drive it was going to be because Jon only asked twice how much further it would be until we got home. Plus they both ended up taking naps in the car. They both slept for a couple hours. The needed to catch up their sleep! I think that is the latest they have ever stayed up! Thank you to all the older cousins who took care of our kids! They loved playing with all of you! Thank you to all of you for your wonderful hospitality! We look forward to see you guys again in 2 years or sooner if you come to visit Minnesota! Below are some pics from the trip. Enjoy!

Jon on the Trampoline

Nicholas' turn! He wasn't as graceful.
Jon's Pike Jump and Straddle Jump
Maria does a great Straddle Jump!
So does Noah D!

All the little ones on the Trampoline: L to R
Nicholas, Gen, Bella, Maria, Anthony & Jon

All the cousins: 1st Row L to R - Nicholas, Noah & Jon
Middle Row L to R- Haylee, Kayla, Anthony, Gen, Maria, Jordan & Bella
Back Row L to R - TJ, Colton, Brennen, Ashlyn, & Rianne
Matt & Gen Gen
1st Row L to R - Maita, Tesa & Mena
Back Row L to R - Myra, Missy, kelly & Marie
1st Row L to R - Tom & Paul
Back Row L to R - Mike, Ramil, Matt & Doug
(missing in the picture is Thomas)
Our Thanksgiving Dinner!

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