Monday, November 19, 2007

Wild Game - Updated

We just got this picture from one of Mike's Co-Worker's so here is a picture of us at the game!


Last night Dad was able to get 4 tickets to the Wild game against Vancouver. We actually got to sit in a suite with some of Dad's co-workers. It was a really fun game to watch. Jon was really into it, but Nicholas, not so much. We were thankful that they had food right there in the suite otherwise we would have been walking all over the place with Nicholas. Every time they scored a goal the loud fog horn would go off and Nicholas would cover his ears. Than the music would play and he would start clapping. When we left the Wild was up 4 - 1, so I am assuming they won the game. Daddy said he was going to try to get more tickets to take Jon to since he was really into it, but we will see! On the way out Daddy bought the boys the big Wild Claw. So now they have the Twins hand and a Wild Claw! Go WILD! Of course mommy forgot her camera again, so no pictures. Sorry :(

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