Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Batting Cage Prep Work

Over the Holiday Weekend we got approval from the Association to put in our Batting Cage! YEAH! Mike was really excited and ordered the cage AND a pitching machine. Even though he told me he wanted to discuss it with me (we didn't have the discussion) he just decided to buy it on his own. LOL! So Lolo and him started to outline the area with garden timbers and digging a trench for them. The next day Papa and Grandma came out to help. They got it all done and now we are waiting on the cage and Mike still has to buy the materials to build the cage for the netting. Here are a couple pics of the area. Hopefully next weekend it will all be done and ready for use!

Notice it is only the older men working on the area! Mike was returning the Sod Cutter.

Jon decided he wanted to help.

Rolling up the Sod.

Placing it in a pile to be placed in another part of our yard. He was such a hard worker!

Stay tuned for more pics!

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