Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Couple Videos Of Marisa

Daddy making Marisa laugh...Of course she was laughing much harder before I got the camera out...But this is still good!

Marisa just started crawling lately and now she is getting really good at it! The other day we were watching Hi-5 and she started dancing! This morning I caught her dancing to HSM3 and than she crawled to me. I'm so glad I caught both on video! Oh! She also has her top 4 teeth coming in! No wonder why she was a crabby little girl! 4 teeth at the same time! Ouch!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Marisa's 9 Month Check Up

We visited Dr. Seifferman today and it was such a short visit! She wasn't suppose to get any shots at this appointment but I had forgotten to set up her 2nd flu shot so she ended up getting her 2nd half of the flu shot today. When they called us into the room she was fine with the nurse who was checking to see how tall she was and how much she weighed. But once Dr. Seifferman came in and I laid her down on the bed she knew what was happening and what was coming next. After the Dr. checked her heart and her joints she all of sudden just started crying! I think it was because Dr. Seifferman had held both her legs down getting ready for the shot! Poor thing! She knew it was coming! She just cried REALLY loud! Once he was done I picked her up and she stopped crying and just gave me a hug. Than she let go to look at Dr. Seifferman and than clung onto me again.

Well here are her stats:

Height - 29 1/4 Inches - 95th Percentile

Weight - 21lbs. 10oz. - 90th Percentile

Head - 18 Inches - 90th Percentile

Once again Dr. Seifferman said she was a giant among the girls! I keep on saying that is OK because she is going to be my outside hitter! LOL! Next check up will be at 12 months! I can't believe it is only 3 months away when she will be 1! But for now I have to plan Jon's b-day, than Nick's and finally hers! This time of year is very busy for me! Oh well, at least I get all the birthdays out of the way!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Marisa is 9 Months Old Today

Marisa turns 9 Months old today! I can't believe how fast she has grown up! Time has definitely flown by! I can't even imagine her not in our lives! She will have her 9 Month check up on Wed. It will be interesting to see what her stats are. She is a big girl! Here are some of the things she can do now. She is not yet crawling although she can crawl backwards! She can sit herself up from a laying down position. She now drinks her bottle all by herself while laying on the floor. This has helped Mommy out a lot! I can get stuff done in the morning without having to be held down for 10 minutes! Although now that she does it all by herself she drinks it down in just a couple minutes! She LOVES eating table food now. I am hoping she will eat whatever I have left of her 2nd foods and than move onto 3rd foods or maybe even table food altogether. Not sure on that one yet. Her Lolo found TJ's old walker so now she cruises around the main floor like a pro! She LOVES to be in the walker and walk around. Pretty soon she will be walking. She would much rather stand and hold onto the furniture or her Excersaucer than to sit in it! She is pretty much feeding herself when it comes to snacks. She likes Puffs and Cheerioes. Anything else that I can make into small pieces she would much rather feed herself. She still only has two bottom teeth although she has been a drooling faucet for awhile. She was a horrible crabby Baby there for awhile, but no teeth has poked through yet. Here are a couple pictures I just took of her! Can't believe my Baby is 9 months already! Enjoy!

Standing next to her Excersaucer

Big Smile!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Night Out With Mike's High School Friends

Last night we went out with some of Mike's High School friends. He had not seen some of these friends for 15+ years. It was great to meet so many of his friends from Glencoe. It all started with Facebook. If you have not joined Facebook yet, you really should. It has been a great tool for both Mike and I to catch up with old friends from High School and College! I have even reconnected with some friends from Grade School. Fair warning....It is VERY addicting! Any ways, we picked up two of his friends, Robert 'Cletus' Ramos and his wife Jenny, and Jason Mielke and his wife Jaime, in Waconia. We went out to dinner in Waconia at Lola's. It was great Seafood joint. Thanks Cletus for setting that up! After Dinner we headed out to Plato, MN to the King Pin Bar. We were meeting up with a few more of his friends there including Tristin. Her husband's band was playing at the bar. All Mike kept telling me was that he didn't know how they would fit a band in the bar to play and than a whole bunch of people. He told me that it was a small town bar. Well, when we arrived there was a ton of people there already and it was just packed! Mike had recognized a lot of people right away. Some of them he couldn't remember their names, but with the help of Cletus and other friends he started to remember. It was such a good time and Mike had so much fun catching up with old time friends. We didn't get home until 2:40am! Here are some pictures of the night. It was SO much fun!

Dinner at Lola's in Waconia - Last time we saw these guys was at a friends wedding 5 years ago.

Another Group shot. Front couple Jason Mielke and his wife Jaime, back couple Robert Ramos and his wife Jenny.

The 3 guys

Next group of picture are at King Pin:

Jenny and Mike

Cletus slamming a beer. They were playing quarters in the bar!

Mike's turn!

Barb and Mike - Barb was a pro at quarters!

Cletus and Mike

Cletus, Jenny & Mike

Mike and I - For some reason Mike kept on opening his mouth instead of smiling! LOL!

Another picture of Drunk Mike and myself.

James, Mike, and Christine

Hopefully it will not take them another 15 years to see each other again!

Super Bowl 2009

This year for Super Bowl we went to Uncle Paul and Auntie Tesa's House. It was such a great game this year! SO exciting to watch! The boys and Daddy were cheering for the Steeler's to win and it seemed like everyone else was cheering for the Cardinals. There was lots of food of course and fun games put together by Uncle Matt for the adults. Once again I didn't win any money, but I think Mike won in the 4th Qtr. The kids had fun playing with each other and the adults hung out in the living room. I didn't really get to watch the commercials but I did see some of them. I did manage to take a couple pictures. Hope you enjoy!

Thr crowd gathered in the Living Room

Daddy feeding Marisa her bottle

Noah and TJ

All the little ones downstairs.

Of course the famous silly face picture

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We Are Going To Florida!

I just booked our tickets yesterday morning for our trip to Orlando Florida! I am SO excited! I need a vacation bad! Lolo and Lola are coming with us and we will be staying at their house in Orlando. Marisa unfortunately will not be going with us. She will be spending the week with Papa and Grandma. I heard that Ashley is excited for Marisa to be there! We will be in Florida from March 11th - 18th! One whole week! I am hoping we will get to go to one park and of course the beach. Also, we have never been to Lola Ayette and Lolo Jim's place so hopefully this time we can go out and visit them. They are 3 hours away from Orlando. An old college friend is just 20 minutes outside of Orlando so I am hoping to meet up with him as well. But we will see! I'm sure we will have lots of things planned. I am just hoping it will be nice weather while we are there!

Here is a picture of the boys and Mike the last time we were in Florida!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Wordle Our Blog too! Thanks Olivia!

Thanks Juli for showing me how to make it big! :-)

Kids Pictures

The boys have been really into taking pictures with my point and shoot. Thought I would share a couple of them.

I think Jon took the first two. Look at Lolo and Lola!

Marisa LOVES to walk with her Lolo.

I don't think Ace knew what was going on....

Another cute one of Lolo and Marisa. I think I need to let them know about keeping their finger off the flash!