Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jon's Birthday Gift

Yesterday Jon's Birthday gift arrived! We, along with Lolo and Lola bought Jon his very own Bow and Arrow set! He has been asking for one for a long time and Mike thought he was old enough to give it a try. So yesterday after his doctor's appointment they headed out to the shop to pick it up and also have a one on one lesson. Mike said he did really good and that he was REALLY excited! When they got home he showed me his bow and Grandma and Papa bought him "The Block" so he was able to show me in the garage what he learned in his lesson. He did do really good! Now he is SO excited to go shoot with Dad once a week! That is what he told me this morning! Mike ordered new arrows for his bow and they are going to go pick them up today and shoot when they get home.

So here are a couple picks that I took last night in the garage. He was SO happy!

Getting ready to shoot!

He looks good, doesn't he?!

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