Yesterday morning Jon had his Eat, Meet and Greet at school. This is when we go in to meet his teacher and bring all of his school supplies. Jon is really excited for school to start again and so am I. I can't believe he is already in first grade. When we got to the school there was a lot of kids and parents walking around. Jon knew exactly where his new classroom was. It is just a few doors down from his Kindergarten class. We walked in and we were the only ones in the class. Most of the kids had already stopped by. Right away Mrs. Graupner had us do a scavenger hunt. First thing to do was to introduce yourself to Mrs. Graupner. Than he had to find his desk with his name on it and put all his personal school supplies away. He than had to put all the optional items we bought for his classroom on the counter. He had to find the Restroom tags hanging by the door (they need to grab it and put it on their desk if they have to use the restroom). He had to find his name on the C.A.R. (Crazy About Reading) bulletin board (every time they fill out a C.A.R. sheet they get a sticker on their car). He had to find his name on a magnetic red circle so he could mark if he was having a hot lunch or cold lunch and he had to find his hook in the hallway to hang his coat and backpack. We also walked around to see if we recognized any of the other students in his class. He knows a couple boys from T-ball this summer and there are about 3 or 4 kids from his Kindergarten class. He has a total of 21 students in his class. Same as last year. He thought it was pretty cool. After we met with Mrs. Graupner we stopped by Mrs. Ritzer room before we went to the Cafeteria for a snack. Mrs. Ritzer couldn't believe how big Jon had gotten and how big Marisa & Nicholas was! When we got to the cafeteria Jon also had to make sure his PIN number still worked for hot lunch. For snack they had Nutri Grain bars and milk. While we were there we saw our neighbor's the Welch's. Colin has Mrs. Dahl for a teacher this year. They also had other people there from PTA, Boy & Girls scouts, and the Kids Adventure Club (Before and After school program). We hung out for a little bit longer and than went home. Nicholas was a little jealous and thought we were going to his open house but his is next week. He had gotten a postcard in the mail from his teacher Ms. Terri and he was so excited. He starts a week after Jon. I am SO looking forward to school starting! Summer is almost over! :(
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