Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jon's Last Day Of Being A 1st Grader!

This morning Nicholas, myself and Marisa walked Jon to the bus stop. I wanted to take a group picture of all the kids on their last day. They were all SO excited for it to be their last day! You could tell that they are ready for summer! A lot of them just had smiles on their faces! A lot of them had field trips planned too for their last day. Yesterday the 1st graders went to Como Zoo. I couldn't volunteer because I had no one to watch Nick and Marisa, but maybe next year! Any way I can't believe in just 3 short months I will have a 2nd grader AND a Kindergartner! Nicholas is SO excited to go to Lake Elmo. I am hoping to sign Marisa and I up for some ECFE classes since it will be just her and myself. I didn't get the boys into ECFE until they were 2 so this will be new for me. Hopefully it will be a fun filled Summer and I won't be saying in a week, " When is school going to start?!" Enjoy the pics!

Most of the kids that get picked up in our neighborhood.

Of course they wanted to do a funny face picture.

Than the bus came!

Nicholas all by himself on the big rock after the kids left.

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