Paul and Tesa had their baby last night! I was able to witness the amazing event! I was so honored to be there and be able to see the birth of their son Lorenzo Don Ramos! We were all so happy they got their boy! Tesa did really well. The hospital told her to be there at 1:30pm. when she got there they broke her water and she started having contractions soon after that. When I got there about 2:30 they hadn't started pitocin yet but shortly after that they put her on it because she was still at about 1 - 2cm. She was than close to a four and she wanted her epidural. Her nurse asked how her other deliveries were and with Bella as soon as she had her epidural they upped her poticin and went from a 5cm to 10cm in a half hour. The nurse than decided to order her epidural. The Dr. came to check on her and told the nurse to up the pitocin so she did. All of a sudden within a half hour again she was at 8cm - 9cm. She called for the Dr. and was told that she was just starting a c-section! The nurse than lowered the pitocin and Tesa just waited it out until the Dr. was done. By the time the Dr. came she was fully effaced and 10cm. She did a few practice pushes and than with the next 3 contractions she pushed him out. It was SO amazing! The Dr. said that Daddy can announce what they were having and all I remember is someone had yelled out IT'S A BOY! I don't' know if it was Tesa or the nurse, but we were all so happy! Another cool thing they did right after he came out was placing him skin to skin on Tesa for a half hour. They wanted them to have bonding time together. It was so cute! He just looked up at his mommy. After a half hour the nurse brought in the scale and did all her measurements. He weighed 7 lbs. 10.4 oz. and was 20 inches long. After the nurse was done, it was daddy's turn to hold him. Again, all he did was stare up at his daddy. SO adorable! Here are some pics I took while I was there, but you can also look at for more pictures.

Before Tesa was in any pain.

Bonding time with Mommy

His eyes were open right away!

Welcome Lorenzo Don Ramos to the family!
1 comment:
Congratulations, Paul and Tesa! We are so happy to hear that you had a beautiful baby boy! We hope he is healthy and Tesa is feeling good. Happy birthday, Tesa, also. You almost shared your birthday with Lorenzo, just like I almost shared mine with Sydney. Can't wait to meet him!
Love, Vicki, Chris, Lauren & Sydney Pahl
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