Friday was a long day for me. While waiting to go to the hospital, the Lions Club of Woodbury had it's Citywide garage sale. Since we had some stuff in our neighbor's garage sale I went over there to help her out. When it was finally time to go I was getting so anxious! Both Mike and I were excited as well. We arrived at the hospital at 1:30 and checked in. They brought me into the recovery room to monitor the baby and get me ready for surgery. They placed an IV in right away and than we basically waited. When it was getting closer to 3:30 they gave Mike his outfit and started getting me ready to be transported into the OR. I was in the OR at 3:30 and they gave me a spinal block. I can't believe how fast that thing works! Any way right after that they laid me down and they started to get to work. Since Marisa was bigger it actually took them a little bit to get her out. I heard a pop sound and Dr. Becicka said that they tried to use the vacuum, but the incision was too small. So they had to make it a little bigger. But my goodness! They pushed REALLY hard on my belly! I could feel it even with the spinal block. It all happened so fast. Thy showed her to me and than Mike and the baby took off for the nursery. I was in the OR for an additional 10 minutes because we deiced to get my tubes tied. After I was done I was wheeled back into the recovery room and I just waited for Mike & Marisa to return. Once they were done they wheeled me into my room. Let me tell you those rooms are not very big! Good thing we didn't have a lot of visitors at the same time. Any way, below are some pics from the day. I haven't watched the video yet, but I am excited to see it. I will update some more when I can. Enjoy the pictures!

Lola, Lolo, Auntie Marie and Gen hanging out in the waiting room

Daddy walking out from the OR

Nicholas meeting his sister for the first time

Everyone watching Daddy in the Nursery with Marisa

Daddy waiting with Marisa

Marisa getting her first bath

Marisa with Auntie Marie

Our precious, Marisa Angeline Ramos Koehn, Born May 9, 2008 @ 4:06pm. 8lbs. 3 oz. & 22 inches long.