Sunday, February 17, 2008

2nd Coat and Texture & More Updates

Jose came on Friday to put on the second coat of mud and returned on Saturday to finish the job with the texture. We are so thankful that they did such a great job and did it so fast. If anyone would like thier info, emial me and I can give you his number. They were all so nice and very easy to work with. After they were done on Saturday I asked Jose when we could start painting and he said to wait until Monday. We ran our fireplace all night last night and that helped dry out the walls, so this morning Mike and I went to Home Depot to get primer and our paint color for the basement. As I am updating this, Mike and Lolo are priming the whole basement. Mike had bought a professional paint spayer so they should be done in a couple hours. They are hoping tonight that the primer will be dry so they can start on the color. If not they are going to do it Monday after work. Of course while we were at Home Depot in their paint department I decided to look at paint colors again for the baby's room. I decided I was going to pick out two colors and paint two walls one color and the other two walls the other color. Thanks Trinity for the ideas! I wanted to do something simple and not do a lot of taping, so that is why I decided to not put any stripes on the wall. So I brought the wall pictures that I bought from Target and I picked out a shade darker than the pink in the picture and matched the green on the other painting. So those are my two colors. Pink and green. That way I won't hear Mike complain too much about the room being too pink! :) I didn't get the paint yet, but next week, my sister Missy said she will help me paint the room while Lolo and Lola are in New York and Florida. So hopefully it will all turn out. We will have to prime first because right now the room is painted Timberwolves colors. so wish us luck next week! Below are some pictures of the basement again after the 2nd coat and texture was done. I LOVE the way the texture looks! can't wait to see color on it!

Outside Lolo and Lola's room looking into main living area

Fridge & Bar Area

Outside Lolo & Lola's room looking down the hallway

The playroom

A closeup of what the texture looks like on all the walls and ceiling.

PREGNANCY UPDATE--------------------------------
I go in on Tuesday morning for my 3 hour glucose test. Wish me luck! I hope I pass this time!

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