So today marks the 3rd day of Kindergarten for Jon. He has done so well with going to bed on time and waking up and getting ready for school. Mike came home early on the first day so we could all meet Jon at the bus stop when he returned from school. It was suppose to arrive at 3:47pm, but it didn't show up until 4:30pm. Later I heard that the bus over heated and that is why it was so late. When he got off the bus, Mike and I thought he looked SO tired from his 1st day of school. When we got home, he didn't seem that tired though. He showed us his drawings he did at school (see pics below) and told us about his 3rd grade buddy Andy. Andy helped him get lunch and kinda showed him where to go. He just couldn't stop talking about him. When we did ask him about lunch and if he used his lunch code he said he didn't have to, and that Andy said to just sneak in. Mike and I were a little worried! Jon told us that Andy just said to walk by and sit down. I was thinking great! What Jon is learning from the older kids! Well, I talked to my neighbor and she said her son Colin told her that the computer was down so they didn't have to enter it in! Whew! So we asked again on the second day if he used his lunch code and he said he didn't have to and that they just took his name down. So I am assuming the computer is still down and took his name so they could charge it when the computer is back up and running. He also told us about gym class and how much fun that was. He loved recess and playing tether ball. I think that is how you spell it. All in all he had a great first day of school.
Yesterday was another great starting day. Before we put him to sleep we pick out his clothes for the next day and lay it on his bed. He knows now that when he gets up, he needs to change into his clothes and to come into our room ready for the day. We all go downstairs to eat breakfast and once he is done eating breakfast he has to go brush his teeth. That has been our morning routine and it has been working out very smoothly. We start to get ready to walk to the bus stop about five after eight or so, and we are out the door around ten after. He enjoys taking the bus and loves school. When he got home I asked him how his day was and he said it was great. They got to go to the Library that day and play on the computers and was read a story by the Librarian.
Today while we were walking up to the bus stop, Jon says, "There is my 3rd grade buddy Andy." I said, "Where?" Jon says, "Right there at our bus stop." I asked him, "Really?" "Yup" Jon replied. It was our 3rd day out here and he finally tells me his 3rd Grade buddy takes the same bus as him. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth so I had to ask the boy himself! And sure enough, he is his 3rd grade buddy! Too funny! He seems like a very nice boy. He has a younger brother as well who is in first grade.
So, I will just have to say that I am a very proud Mama of my Jonathan! He has been doing so great with this big mile stone in his life! Good job Jonathan! I am SO Proud!
Jon's School Bus (Telephone Bus)
Jon looking out the window
Getting off the Bus. Mike and I thought he looked so tired!
A picture he colored at school
Another picture of Andy (his 3rd Grade Buddy) and him playing four square.
Birthday Party Chicken Divan
5 years ago
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